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- CSF Group
csf logo csf logo
CSF logo creationDesign and graphic creativity for the creation of the new CSF logo.
csf comunicazione csf comunicazione
CSF communication strategy planningPlanning and scheduling Communication strategy for the CSF.
logo1 logo1
New logo proposalsSketches for unapproved logo proposals for the new CSF logo.
progetto sito progetto sito
Presentation of the new CSF website projectPresentation of the project for the construction of the new CSF website.
portale portale
Version 1.0 CSF portalFirst version of the csf-online.it web portal. Made with PHP and MySQL technology.
immagine coordinata immagine coordinata
CSF coordinated imageDesign and graphic creativity of the new coordinated image of the CSF.
cartelline cartelline
Folders with flaps for educational materialDie design, graphic creativity and printing of new folders with CSF flaps.
brochure brochure
CSF Institutional BrochureDesign, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Format 21x25, color printing, binding with steel spiral.
flyer cover flyer cover
Flyer with internal card pocketDesign, graphic creativity and CSF flyer cover printing with internal card holder pocket.
flyer schede flyer schede
CSF Flyer - Internal CardsDesign, graphic creativity, CSF flyer internal cards.
csf volantini1 csf volantini1
Creativity and printing A5 flyersDesign, graphic creativity and printing of A5 promotional flyers for CSF courses.
csf volantini2 csf volantini2
Creativity and printing A5 flyersDesign, graphic creativity and printing of A5 promotional flyers for CSF courses.
csf avvisi stampa csf avvisi stampa
CSF Press AlertsGraphic design and creativity CSF course promotional press releases
campagna affissione2011 campagna affissione2011
Institutional billboard campaign 2011Design and graphic creativity of institutional 6x3 posters of the CSF - Billboard Campaign 2011
campagna affissione2012 campagna affissione2012
Institutional billboard campaign 2012Design and graphic creativity of institutional 6x3 posters of the CSF - Billboard Campaign 2012
csf volantini3 csf volantini3
Promotional A5 flyersDesign, graphic creativity and printing promotional A5 flyers.
csf volantini4 csf volantini4
Promotional A5 flyersDesign, graphic creativity and printing promotional A5 flyers.
campagna affissione corsi campagna affissione corsi
Billboard campaignDesign and graphic creativity of 6x3 promotional posters for individual CSF courses.
campagna affissione corsi 2 campagna affissione corsi 2
Billboard campaignDesign and graphic creativity of 6x3 promotional posters for individual CSF courses.
campagna affissione metropolitana campagna affissione metropolitana
Naples Metro billboard campaignDesign and graphic creativity of promotional posters for individual courses of the CSF - billboard campaign in the Naples Metro.
csf rollup1 csf rollup1
Promotional RollUps for single coursesDesign, graphic creativity and creation of promotional RollUps for CSF courses.
csf rollup2 csf rollup2
Promotional RollUps for single coursesDesign, graphic creativity and creation of promotional RollUps for CSF courses.
csf pannelli csf pannelli
Promotional panels for individual coursesDesign, graphic creativity and creation of promotional Forex panels for CSF courses.
tabelle frasi tabelle frasi
Internal billboard with quotes on trainingDesign, graphic creativity and printing of internal billboards with quotes and phrases on training.
stationnery frecce stationnery frecce
Road billboardsGraphic design and creativity, tables with arrows for road signs.
t shirt1 t shirt1
Custom T-ShritsDesign and graphic creativity CSF institutional T-Shirts.
t shirt2 t shirt2
Custom T-ShritsDesign and graphic creativity CSF T-Shirt for pizza maker and bartender courses.
web newsite web newsite
CSF Training site version 2.0Design, graphic creativity and creation of the new CSF Training website. Made with PHP and MySQL technology, Responsive layout and SEO optimization.
web minisites web minisites
Single CSF course minisitesDesign, graphic creativity and creation of single course mini-sites. HTML and Javascript technology.
web fad web fad
CSF e-learning platformDesign, graphic creativity and creation of the CSF e-learning platform.
Design and development of teaching material for the REC course.
web brochure web brochure
Web version of the institutional brochure of the CSFWeb application to browse the institutional brochure of the CSF online. Development in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Action Script and Flash.
csf mediazione csf mediazione
CSF Mediation - Corporate identity and PostersDesign, graphic creativity and printing of coordinated image materials CSF Mediation and Poster campaign for the promotion of courses for mediators and mediation body.
welcome kit welcome kit
Welcome Kit CSF Mediation secondary officesDesign and creation of an interactive CD-Rom with Welcome Kit for the secondary offices of the CSF Mediazione.
web mediazione web mediazione
CSF Mediation websiteDesign, graphic creativity and creation of a dynamic website CSF Mediazione. Made with PHP and MYSQL technology, responsive layout and SEO optimization.
box facebook box facebook
Promotional campaign 2015 on FacebookGraphic design and creativity, 2015 promotional campaign on Facebook, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
calendario seriea calendario seriea
Design and printing Serie A CSF CalendarDesign and graphic creativity for printing the Serie A calendar for the CSF. Matte coated paper, 12 pages, accordion folding, 4+4 printing.
campagna affissione 2015 1 campagna affissione 2015 1
Billboard Campaign 2015Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione 2015 2 campagna affissione 2015 2
Billboard Campaign 2015Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione 2015 3 campagna affissione 2015 3
Billboard Campaign 2015Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione 2015 4 campagna affissione 2015 4
Billboard Campaign 2015Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione 2015 5 campagna affissione 2015 5
Billboard Campaign 2015Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione 2015 6 campagna affissione 2015 6
Billboard Campaign 2015Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf popup csf popup
PopUp and BanquetDesign, graphic creativity and PopUp and Banquet production for exhibition spaces and fairs.
csf rollup 2015 1 csf rollup 2015 1
Promotional RollUps 2015Design, graphic creativity and rollip production, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf rollup 2015 2 csf rollup 2015 2
Promotional RollUps 2015Design, graphic creativity and rollip production, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf rollup 2015 3 csf rollup 2015 3
Promotional RollUps 2015Design, graphic creativity and rollip production, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini1 2015 csf volantini1 2015
Promotional A5 flyers 2015Design, graphic creativity and printing A5 flyers, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini2 2015 csf volantini2 2015
Promotional A5 flyers 2015Design, graphic creativity and printing A5 flyers, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini3 2015 csf volantini3 2015
Promotional A5 flyers 2015Design, graphic creativity and printing A5 flyers, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
invit rock5 invit rock5
Rock 5 exhibition at the Palazzo delle Arti in NaplesDesign and graphic creativity of invitations to an event celebrating the tenth anniversary of the CSF.
website csf online website csf online
CSF institutional web siteDesign, graphic creativity and development of the CSF institutional website. PHP and MySQL technology, Responsive layout and SEO optimization.
campagna affissione corsi 2016 1 campagna affissione corsi 2016 1
Billboard campaign 2016Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione corsi 2016 2 campagna affissione corsi 2016 2
Billboard campaign 2016Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione corsi 2016 3 campagna affissione corsi 2016 3
Billboard campaign 2016Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
campagna affissione corsi 2016 4 campagna affissione corsi 2016 4
Billboard campaign 2016Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini 2016 1 csf volantini 2016 1
Campaign 2016 A5 flyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini 2016 2 csf volantini 2016 2
Campaign 2016 A5 flyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini 2016 3 csf volantini 2016 3
Campaign 2016 A5 flyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini 2016 4 csf volantini 2016 4
Campaign 2016 A5 flyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
csf volantini 2016 5 csf volantini 2016 5
Campaign 2016 A5 flyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
a5 2019 1 a5 2019 1
CSF Start Up 2019 A5 FlyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign for CSF Start Up made in 2019.
a5 2019 2 a5 2019 2
CSF Employment Agency 2019 A5 flyersDesign, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, CSF Employment Agency promotional campaign carried out in 2019.
a5 2019 3 a5 2019 3
CSF 2019 flyers A5Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign for Valentine's Day and new course for green maintenance carried out in 2019.
csf rollup 2019 1 csf rollup 2019 1
Promotional RollUpsDesign, graphic creativity and creation of promotional RollUps for the CSF.
brochure 2019 0 brochure 2019 0
Institutional brochureDesign, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Square stapled booklet 24 pages.
brochure 2019 1 brochure 2019 1
Institutional brochureDesign, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Square stapled booklet 24 pages.
brochure 2019 2 brochure 2019 2
Institutional brochureDesign, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Square stapled booklet 24 pages.
flyer testimonianze flyer testimonianze
"Testimonials" 3-fold leafletDesign, graphic creativity and 3-fold folding printing with testimonials from CSF students
flyer business flyer business
Business 3-fold leafletDesign, graphic creativity and tri-fold printing of the CSF for Business services
flyer formazione flyer formazione
Training trifold leafletDesign, graphic creativity and trifold printing of the CSF for training
csf badge csf badge
Corporate Identity BadgesDesign and graphic creativity for the creation of student and staff recognition badges.
CSF logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of the new CSF logo.
CSF communication strategy planning
Planning and scheduling Communication strategy for the CSF.
New logo proposals
Sketches for unapproved logo proposals for the new CSF logo.
Presentation of the new CSF website project
Presentation of the project for the construction of the new CSF website.
Version 1.0 CSF portal
First version of the csf-online.it web portal. Made with PHP and MySQL technology.
CSF coordinated image
Design and graphic creativity of the new coordinated image of the CSF.
Folders with flaps for educational material
Die design, graphic creativity and printing of new folders with CSF flaps.
CSF Institutional Brochure
Design, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Format 21x25, color printing, binding with steel spiral.
Flyer with internal card pocket
Design, graphic creativity and CSF flyer cover printing with internal card holder pocket.
CSF Flyer - Internal Cards
Design, graphic creativity, CSF flyer internal cards.
Creativity and printing A5 flyers
Design, graphic creativity and printing of A5 promotional flyers for CSF courses.
Creativity and printing A5 flyers
Design, graphic creativity and printing of A5 promotional flyers for CSF courses.
CSF Press Alerts
Graphic design and creativity CSF course promotional press releases
Institutional billboard campaign 2011
Design and graphic creativity of institutional 6x3 posters of the CSF - Billboard Campaign 2011
Institutional billboard campaign 2012
Design and graphic creativity of institutional 6x3 posters of the CSF - Billboard Campaign 2012
Promotional A5 flyers
Design, graphic creativity and printing promotional A5 flyers.
Promotional A5 flyers
Design, graphic creativity and printing promotional A5 flyers.
Billboard campaign
Design and graphic creativity of 6x3 promotional posters for individual CSF courses.
Billboard campaign
Design and graphic creativity of 6x3 promotional posters for individual CSF courses.
Naples Metro billboard campaign
Design and graphic creativity of promotional posters for individual courses of the CSF - billboard campaign in the Naples Metro.
Promotional RollUps for single courses
Design, graphic creativity and creation of promotional RollUps for CSF courses.
Promotional RollUps for single courses
Design, graphic creativity and creation of promotional RollUps for CSF courses.
Promotional panels for individual courses
Design, graphic creativity and creation of promotional Forex panels for CSF courses.
Internal billboard with quotes on training
Design, graphic creativity and printing of internal billboards with quotes and phrases on training.
Road billboards
Graphic design and creativity, tables with arrows for road signs.
Custom T-Shrits
Design and graphic creativity CSF institutional T-Shirts.
Custom T-Shrits
Design and graphic creativity CSF T-Shirt for pizza maker and bartender courses.
CSF Training site version 2.0
Design, graphic creativity and creation of the new CSF Training website. Made with PHP and MySQL technology, Responsive layout and SEO optimization.
Single CSF course minisites
Design, graphic creativity and creation of single course mini-sites. HTML and Javascript technology.
CSF e-learning platform
Design, graphic creativity and creation of the CSF e-learning platform.
Design and development of teaching material for the REC course.
Web version of the institutional brochure of the CSF
Web application to browse the institutional brochure of the CSF online. Development in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Action Script and Flash.
CSF Mediation - Corporate identity and Posters
Design, graphic creativity and printing of coordinated image materials CSF Mediation and Poster campaign for the promotion of courses for mediators and mediation body.
Welcome Kit CSF Mediation secondary offices
Design and creation of an interactive CD-Rom with Welcome Kit for the secondary offices of the CSF Mediazione.
CSF Mediation website
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a dynamic website CSF Mediazione. Made with PHP and MYSQL technology, responsive layout and SEO optimization.
Promotional campaign 2015 on Facebook
Graphic design and creativity, 2015 promotional campaign on Facebook, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Design and printing Serie A CSF Calendar
Design and graphic creativity for printing the Serie A calendar for the CSF. Matte coated paper, 12 pages, accordion folding, 4+4 printing.
Billboard Campaign 2015
Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard Campaign 2015
Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard Campaign 2015
Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard Campaign 2015
Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard Campaign 2015
Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard Campaign 2015
Design and graphic creativity poster 6x3, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
PopUp and Banquet
Design, graphic creativity and PopUp and Banquet production for exhibition spaces and fairs.
Promotional RollUps 2015
Design, graphic creativity and rollip production, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Promotional RollUps 2015
Design, graphic creativity and rollip production, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Promotional RollUps 2015
Design, graphic creativity and rollip production, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Promotional A5 flyers 2015
Design, graphic creativity and printing A5 flyers, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Promotional A5 flyers 2015
Design, graphic creativity and printing A5 flyers, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Promotional A5 flyers 2015
Design, graphic creativity and printing A5 flyers, promotional campaign 2015, with the winner of the competition "Become the testimonial of the CSF" Tonia Salatiello, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Rock 5 exhibition at the Palazzo delle Arti in Naples
Design and graphic creativity of invitations to an event celebrating the tenth anniversary of the CSF.
CSF institutional web site
Design, graphic creativity and development of the CSF institutional website. PHP and MySQL technology, Responsive layout and SEO optimization.
Billboard campaign 2016
Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard campaign 2016
Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard campaign 2016
Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Billboard campaign 2016
Design, conception and graphic creativity of 6x3 poster, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Campaign 2016 A5 flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Campaign 2016 A5 flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Campaign 2016 A5 flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Campaign 2016 A5 flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
Campaign 2016 A5 flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign "The winning assist for your work" created in 2016, photographs by Fernando Alfieri.
CSF Start Up 2019 A5 Flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign for CSF Start Up made in 2019.
CSF Employment Agency 2019 A5 flyers
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, CSF Employment Agency promotional campaign carried out in 2019.
CSF 2019 flyers A5
Design, conception and graphic creativity of A5 flyers, promotional campaign for Valentine's Day and new course for green maintenance carried out in 2019.
Promotional RollUps
Design, graphic creativity and creation of promotional RollUps for the CSF.
Institutional brochure
Design, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Square stapled booklet 24 pages.
Institutional brochure
Design, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Square stapled booklet 24 pages.
Institutional brochure
Design, graphic creativity and printing of the institutional brochure of the CSF. Square stapled booklet 24 pages.
"Testimonials" 3-fold leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and 3-fold folding printing with testimonials from CSF students
Business 3-fold leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and tri-fold printing of the CSF for Business services
Training trifold leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and trifold printing of the CSF for training
Corporate Identity Badges
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of student and staff recognition badges.