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Term Definition

Far agire il destinatario nel modo voluto. È il risultato cui tende ogni pubblicità. In molti casi l'action è l'ultimo atto di un processo più o meno complesso realizzato dall'annuncio o dalla campagna. Spesso è lo scopo immediato di un invito (Call to action), ad esempio: l'esortazione a votare per un determinato candidato nella pubblicità elettorale; l'invito a ritagliare un buono sconto da una pagina pubblicitaria, copiare e incollare un codice sconto o inquadrare un QR code e sfruttarlo nell'immediato acquisto di un prodotto.

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Satisfied customers

What they say about us

I have known Umberto for a few years and I can confirm that he is a professional in his field! Over time a good friendship has also been established which I am sure will last over time: it is prec...
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Pietro Sciannamblo
CEO & Founder / Esigaretta Italia
I also leave my testimony regarding the working relationship with Insight Agency, I have been a customer for years now and I am very very satisfied above all for the competence and availability as ...
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Luca Crocetti
CEO & Co-Founder / Lukkos
I had the opportunity to get to know Insight Agency when he started working with one of our clients, so I was able to appreciate not only their professional and creative approach, but above all the...
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Mario Gentile
CEO & Founder / Punto Ike


Insight Adv Ltd is a full-service advertising agency. We offer our customers Graphic and Web Design, Marketing and Strategic Communication services.

We create websites, e-commerce and fad platforms, commercials and promotional videos and applications for smartphones and tablets. We also offer digital & direct marketing, social media and content management services. 


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