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esigaretta italia logo pack esigaretta italia logo pack
Esigaretta Italia: Logo creation and Packaging
Graphic design and creativity for a new logo.
Die design and graphic creativity for single kit product packaging.
esigaretta italia ecommerce esigaretta italia ecommerce
Esigaretta Italia: E-commerce site creation
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
eliquid ecommerce eliquid ecommerce
Eliquid Italia: E-commerce site creation
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
eliquiditalia basi label eliquiditalia basi label
Eliquid Italia: Label design
Graphic design and creativity for the creation of basic labels.
esigitaly logo esigitaly logo
Esigitaly: Corporate Identity
Design and graphic creativity for the new EsigItaly logo.
esigitaly manuali esigitaly manuali
Esigitaly: Instruction manuals
Design and graphic creativity product instruction manuals.
ecommerce ecommerce
Ecommerce website v1.0
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a new e-commerce site with assistance ticket management module and Live Help Desk. PHP and MySQL technology.
esigitaly packaging esigitaly packaging
Esigitaly: Shopping Bag & Packaging
Die-cut design, graphic creativity and printing of new shopping bags in two sizes.
Die design and graphic creativity for double kit and single kit product packaging.
esigitaly wrap battery esigitaly wrap battery
Esigitaly: battery wrap (different types)
Design and graphic creativity for rebranding and personalizing ecig batteries (different types)
esigitaly wrap battery esigitaly wrap battery
Esigitaly: battery wrap (different types)
Design and graphic creativity for rebranding and personalizing ecig batteries (different types)
brochure brochure
Esigitaly: Institutional trifold brochure
Design, graphic creativity and printing of trifold institutional brochures.
volantini volantini
Esigitaly: A5 advertising flyers
Design, graphic creativity and printing of A5 advertising flyers.
fourseason logo fourseason logo
Four Seasons: Logo and Corporate Identity
Graphic design and creativity for new logo and Corporate Identity.
fourseason brochure fourseason brochure
Four Seasons: Institutional Trifold Brochure
Design, graphic creativity and corporate brochure printing. Closed format 10x21cm, open 30x21cm, color printing, cordonatera and folding.
fourseasons labelling fourseasons labelling
Esigitaly: Label design
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of base and liquid labels, different types and formats.
independent ecommerce independent ecommerce
Independent: e-commerce website
Design, graphic creativity, creation and management of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
independent basi label independent basi label
Independent: Label design.
Graphic design and creativity for the creation of neutral base line labels in bottles of different formats.
independent shoppers02 independent shoppers02
Independent: Shopper design.
Graphic design and creativity for the creation of shoppers in different formats.
independent logo weed independent logo weed
Independent Weed: logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the logo of the new Independent Weed product line.
independent shoppers03 independent shoppers03
Independent Weed: shoppers
Design and graphic creativity, creation of shopping bags in different formats for the new line of Independent Weed products.
loghi vari loghi vari
Logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of logos and brands for web portals, forums and products in the esig sector
lukkos logo lukkos logo
ItalyMods by Lukkos: logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of the Lukkos and ItalyMods by Lukkos logos.
lukkos sito lukkos sito
ItalyMods by Lukkos: Institutional website
Design, graphic creativity and institutional website creation. Made with PHP and MySQL technology, Responsive layout and SEO optimization.
miticom logo miticom logo
Miticom: Logo and corporate identity
Design and graphic creativity for the new logo of the Miticom consortium
miticom labelling miticom labelling
Miticom: product line logo and label designDesign and graphic creativity for the labels of the new line of liquids "seven sins"
miticom advertising miticom advertising
Miticom: flyers and advertising
Design and graphic creativity of promotional flyers and Facebook images for the opening of a new shop
naro logo naro logo
NaRo: Creation of logo and corporate identity
Design and graphic creativity for the new Na.Ro logo. e-cig and corporate identity
naro bv naro bv
NaRo: Corporate identity
Design, graphic creativity and printing of business cards
naro vimama loghi naro vimama loghi
NaRo: creation of product logos
Design and graphic creativity for logos and product brands
naro vimama brochure naro vimama brochure
NaRo: Vimama and Bobo 3-fold folding
Design, graphic creativity and 3-fold folding printing, closed format 10x21cm, open 30x21cm, four-color printing, creasing and folding.
naro labelling naro labelling
NaRo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of Vimama ready-to-use liquid labels and Bobo sideburns
vimama bugiardini vimama bugiardini
NaRo: eliquid leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and printing of Vimama liquid information leaflets
naro vimama pannelli naro vimama pannelli
NaRo: Fair panels
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of forex panels for exhibition at the fair.
nebula ecommerce nebula ecommerce
Nebula Electronic Cigarettes: e-commerce
Design, graphic creativity, creation and management of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
nuvoledaromi logo nuvoledaromi logo
Nuvole d'Aromi: logo proposals
Graphic design and creativity for company logo creation
nuvoledaromi logo nuvoledaromi logo
Nuvole d'aromi: logo proposals
Graphic design and creativity for company logo creation
powerclouding logo powerclouding logo
Power Clouding: logo creation
Graphic design and creativity for company logo creation
powerclouding corp bv stationnery powerclouding corp bv stationnery
Power Clouding: corporate identity and stationery
Design and graphic creativity for corporate identity and branded elements for interiors.
powerclouding stationery powerclouding stationery
Power Clouding: Fair panels
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of forex panels for exhibition at the fair,
powerclouding wrap battery powerclouding wrap battery
Power Clouding: battery wraps (different types)
Design and graphic creativity for rebranding and personalizing ecig batteries (different types)
pwerclouding shopper pwerclouding shopper
Power Clouding: shoppers
Graphic design and creativity, creation of shopping bags in different formats.
teknosvapo basi teknosvapo basi
Tekno Svapo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
teknosvapo basi teknosvapo basi
Tekno Svapo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
teknosvapo basi teknosvapo basi
Tekno Svapo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
vapefactory basinico vapefactory basinico
Vape Factory: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
vapefactory basi vapefactory basi
Vape Factory: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
vapefactory basi bugiardini vapefactory basi bugiardini
Vape Factory: information leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and printing of the information leaflet for eliquid bases
Esigaretta Italia: Logo creation and Packaging
Graphic design and creativity for a new logo.
Die design and graphic creativity for single kit product packaging.
Esigaretta Italia: E-commerce site creation
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
Eliquid Italia: E-commerce site creation
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
Eliquid Italia: Label design
Graphic design and creativity for the creation of basic labels.
Esigitaly: Corporate Identity
Design and graphic creativity for the new EsigItaly logo.
Esigitaly: Instruction manuals
Design and graphic creativity product instruction manuals.
Ecommerce website v1.0
Design, graphic creativity and creation of a new e-commerce site with assistance ticket management module and Live Help Desk. PHP and MySQL technology.
Esigitaly: Shopping Bag & Packaging
Die-cut design, graphic creativity and printing of new shopping bags in two sizes.
Die design and graphic creativity for double kit and single kit product packaging.
Esigitaly: battery wrap (different types)
Design and graphic creativity for rebranding and personalizing ecig batteries (different types)
Esigitaly: battery wrap (different types)
Design and graphic creativity for rebranding and personalizing ecig batteries (different types)
Esigitaly: Institutional trifold brochure
Design, graphic creativity and printing of trifold institutional brochures.
Esigitaly: A5 advertising flyers
Design, graphic creativity and printing of A5 advertising flyers.
Four Seasons: Logo and Corporate Identity
Graphic design and creativity for new logo and Corporate Identity.
Four Seasons: Institutional Trifold Brochure
Design, graphic creativity and corporate brochure printing. Closed format 10x21cm, open 30x21cm, color printing, cordonatera and folding.
Esigitaly: Label design
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of base and liquid labels, different types and formats.
Independent: e-commerce website
Design, graphic creativity, creation and management of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
Independent: Label design.
Graphic design and creativity for the creation of neutral base line labels in bottles of different formats.
Independent: Shopper design.
Graphic design and creativity for the creation of shoppers in different formats.
Independent Weed: logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the logo of the new Independent Weed product line.
Independent Weed: shoppers
Design and graphic creativity, creation of shopping bags in different formats for the new line of Independent Weed products.
Logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of logos and brands for web portals, forums and products in the esig sector
ItalyMods by Lukkos: logo creation
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of the Lukkos and ItalyMods by Lukkos logos.
ItalyMods by Lukkos: Institutional website
Design, graphic creativity and institutional website creation. Made with PHP and MySQL technology, Responsive layout and SEO optimization.
Miticom: Logo and corporate identity
Design and graphic creativity for the new logo of the Miticom consortium
Miticom: product line logo and label design
Design and graphic creativity for the labels of the new line of liquids "seven sins"
Miticom: flyers and advertising
Design and graphic creativity of promotional flyers and Facebook images for the opening of a new shop
NaRo: Creation of logo and corporate identity
Design and graphic creativity for the new Na.Ro logo. e-cig and corporate identity
NaRo: Corporate identity
Design, graphic creativity and printing of business cards
NaRo: creation of product logos
Design and graphic creativity for logos and product brands
NaRo: Vimama and Bobo 3-fold folding
Design, graphic creativity and 3-fold folding printing, closed format 10x21cm, open 30x21cm, four-color printing, creasing and folding.
NaRo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of Vimama ready-to-use liquid labels and Bobo sideburns
NaRo: eliquid leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and printing of Vimama liquid information leaflets
NaRo: Fair panels
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of forex panels for exhibition at the fair.
Nebula Electronic Cigarettes: e-commerce
Design, graphic creativity, creation and management of a new e-commerce site. PHP and MySQL technology.
Nuvole d'Aromi: logo proposals
Graphic design and creativity for company logo creation
Nuvole d'aromi: logo proposals
Graphic design and creativity for company logo creation
Power Clouding: logo creation
Graphic design and creativity for company logo creation
Power Clouding: corporate identity and stationery
Design and graphic creativity for corporate identity and branded elements for interiors.
Power Clouding: Fair panels
Design and graphic creativity for the creation of forex panels for exhibition at the fair,
Power Clouding: battery wraps (different types)
Design and graphic creativity for rebranding and personalizing ecig batteries (different types)
Power Clouding: shoppers
Graphic design and creativity, creation of shopping bags in different formats.
Tekno Svapo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
Tekno Svapo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
Tekno Svapo: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
Vape Factory: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
Vape Factory: label design
Design and graphic creativity of labels for eliquid bases in different types and formats
Vape Factory: information leaflet
Design, graphic creativity and printing of the information leaflet for eliquid bases